sábado, 2 de junio de 2012

First Day of Full Time Tarot Work

It's been a whole day Tarot. My digital self is taking shape, with the near completion of my Facebook Page. Yes! No time for a daily draw but it will suffice to say that the Queen of Wands had me going as she figured at the very end of my June 2012 Reading for the Tribe her radiance simply inspired me to finish. No matter what.  Rosa Mística is on her way, it's ongoing and it's thanks to this beautiful inspiring Queen...

And yes, she is my

Daily Draw: Queen of Wands

Daily Musing:
Too tired, she had me inspired to work continuously and hard today.

(from what I remember).
"Resenting something or someone is letting that occupy your mind rent-free". ~Unknown.

Tarot: The Alchemical Tarot Renewed, 3rd. Ed. by Robert M. Place.

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